
Modern Hairfare

It's been a while since I last rocked a wild hairstyle. I used to do it for nearly every game/tournament a little over a year ago. Terry Danyluk, Golden Bears head coach, once commented how he found I always played more focused and intense when I had a crazy mane. Here's a few examples of past hair disasters/triumphs (to each his/her own opinion):

I'm not entirely sure why I went away from taking out the clippers and gel before I play, but I think it's about time to go back to a good thing. But I'm not going to go back to one of those old styles, I've already worn those out. This time I'm really going to take a walk on the wild side for Center of Gravity in Kelowna, during the August long weekend. Here's where blog followers come in, I've attached a poll to the right of this blog entry. That's right, I want you to pick my next fashion statement/faux-pas (again, whatever your opinion may be). Here are the styles I'm prepared to take on:

The Reverse Mohawk - I've already done a Mohawk, lets see it in reverse.

The ZigZag Mohawk - A small addition to a classic hair adventure.

The Checkerboard - Unlike the picture, I want it to cover my entire head.

The Face - This design speaks for itself. Literally, it has a mouth.

The Handprint - Perfect for petting.

Those are your options, and don't think that if I don't get any votes I won't do it. One of these is happening, and that's that, so you might as well pick your favorite. Voting on the right ---->


Ben Jammin


  1. Dustin and I both support the face.

  2. I like the hand, with face a close second. Maybe next time Volleyball could be an option for your nice round dome.-Milou

  3. I think you should do the face with a hand on the top...

  4. I vote hand, but I suggest 2 hands.


  5. The hand is good - when you don't want to hear from your partner you can tell him to talk to the hand. By the way I have Steve's Oakleys that he left in the car - not sure how he wants me to get those to him?? Dad

  6. boo!!!

    face is frightening.

    Id say...zigzag mohawk - but like 3 of them. one center and two on the side.

    thats nice.

  7. Definitely the hand Ben.. Definitely.

  8. Boo. YOu should be able to vote daily not just once!

  9. The face so you can say anything and then just blame it on the guy on the back of your head

  10. Hand....fo' sho'
